When Life Changes, it’s Not Over


“Life seems to have its own path that sometimes it appears you have to follow, but this is not always true. Sometimes you need to divert from the path to start your own down the untrimmed grass, to truly find yourself.” ~Sonja P.

Hello Everyone,

I apologize for not writing for the past couple of weeks, but life has taken me on the rollercoaster that it is. Due to several life complications, I have returned home from my out of town University and am going to continue my education here, in my hometown. It’s quite difficult to take, for me on a personal level

It’s quite difficult to take, for me on a personal level for the school I went to was perfect for me in every way. The program was amazing, the professors were immaculate and my friends, well they were spectacular. I even had a crush that I was hoping to eventually ask out. Nevertheless, life had its own ideas, and due to health issues, I had to return home.

Now it has been over two weeks since I have left that university and things have been going alright. My health, of course, hasn’t been super reliable however I am with my family,  I’m at home and I still have the option of two universities that have good programs in the area.

I realize that not everyone would do what I did, and I understand that what I did may not be approved by every family or household, but what I’d like to say is that I made a huge decision. I did what was best for my health. I can home. And guess what? My life isn’t over.

After some distance from the entire matter, I have come to realize that everything, though difficult will be okay. Dropping out of school for health reasons isn’t a death sentence. In a matter of fact, dropping out of school for whatever reason isn’t a death sentence. In the world we live it is expected for us to get some kind of degree, diploma or certification, but the reality is not everyone is set to do this. Sometimes change takes its way and then well you just need to move forward. I plan to go back to university this coming September, but it’s okay, and totally amazing if you decide to leave school and go into the workforce, or get an apprenticeship or really anything because it’s okay. It’s your life and you need to decide how you want to live it

I plan to go back to university this coming September, but it’s okay, and totally amazing if you decide to leave school and go into the workforce, or get an apprenticeship or really anything because it’s okay. It’s your life and you need to decide how you want to live it. You could live by others, or societal values or you could march to the beat of your own drums, or do a little of both!

The reality is, is that I knew that my health would get worse if I stayed, so I had to come home. And though it seems very simple in just that one sentence, the pressure to do everything right, to prove yourself, to make yourself feel more accepted and the list can go on, can sometimes, and quite frequently cloud your judgment of what you want or more in particularly what you need.

Life is a rollercoaster, and I can say that from experience, but remember with every down there is an up and with every up there is a knowing of a change.

Change is okay.

Health should be looked after.

It’s not the end of the world.


Sonja P.